Buy a Degree Online – 100% Legal & Verifiable

Get an Accredited Bachelor's, Master's, or PhD

We are a fully legal service that assesses and verifies your existing knowledge and expertise, allowing you to obtain Bachelor’s, Master’s, and Ph.D. degrees without attending traditional courses. Once you register on our website and complete your application, we document your degree request and legally submit it to INTIAU International University. This process ensures 100% guaranteed success in obtaining your verifiable and accredited academic degree.

Why Choose ToHave for Your Online Degree?

1. كيف يمكنني التأكد من شرعية الشهادة؟

إجابة: You can verify the authenticity of your degree through the official portal of the university.

Official University Verification

1- All degrees issued by ToHave are registered in the International Azad University (INTIAU) system.
2- Each degree includes a QR code, allowing instant verification through the university's website.

Recognized Representation

1- ToHave is an officially recognized agent of INTIAU, and all documents are issued in accordance with the university’s academic and administrative standards.
2- Our affiliation can be verified directly through the university.

📌 To verify your degree, visit:
👉 INTIAU Official Verification Portal

This ensures that your credentials are legitimate, verifiable, and internationally recognized.

2. كيف يمكنني التأكد من صحة العملية؟

إجابة: We ensure full transparency in every step of the process. Once your registration is complete, you will receive a university-provided username and password for the student system of International Azad University (INTIAU). Additionally, after graduation, you can verify your degree through the university’s alumni system.

For further assurance, your credentials can be verified through the official verification organizations we work with, including Certn, Quadrabay, KPMG, QAHE, Ecctis, cvcheck, DISA Global, ToFindOut, and NARIC, which are widely accepted for employment, education, and immigration purposes.

3. هل يمكنني أن أطلب الحصول على شهادتي الجامعية بأثر رجعي؟

إجابة: Yes, you can request a backdated degree, provided that the selected graduation date falls within the standard academic timelines.

Allowed: You may request a graduation date in the past, aligning with the duration of the selected degree program.
Not Allowed: Future-dated degrees are strictly prohibited.
4. ما هو الدعم القانوني للدرجات العلمية؟

إجابة: All our degrees are:

✅ Verifiable through the university’s official website.
✅ Recognized for authentication by lawyers, notaries, governments, and embassies.
✅ Eligible for international verification through organizations like Certn, Quadrabay, and NARIC.
5. ما هي اللغة التي سيتم إصدار شهادة الدرجة بها؟

إجابة: The degree certificate will be issued in English as the primary language, ensuring international recognition and usability.

Standard Format: The degree follows global academic certification standards and is issued in English to be accepted by employers, universities, and verification agencies worldwide.
Translation Services: If required, we offer official translations of the degree title into multiple languages, including Italian, French, Spanish, German, Arabic, and others, based on the request submitted in your application form.
International Compliance: The degree is designed to meet global accreditation requirements, making it suitable for employment, further education, and immigration.
6. هل الشهادة معتمدة ويمكن استخدامها دوليا؟

إجابة: Yes, the degree is fully accredited and can be used internationally.

Accreditation: The degree is issued by International Azad University (INTIAU), which holds both national and international accreditation.
International Recognition: The degree can be verified and authenticated through approved verification agencies, making it valid for use in employment, further education, and immigration. The recognized verification bodies include:

Certn (Accepted in Canada, the U.S., Australia, and Africa)
Quadrabay (Officially recognized across all Arab League countries)
Ecctis (UK NARIC) (The only officially recognized verification body in the UK)
NARIC (The official credential evaluation authority for the European Union)
QAHE, KPMG, cvcheck, DISA Global, and ToFindOut (Trusted for international document verification)

Since these agencies serve as the official verification partners for governments, universities, and employers, the degree is widely accepted and legally recognized worldwide.

7. ما هي مدة عملية الحصول على الدرجة العلمية؟

إجابة: The entire process takes approximately 30 يوما, divided as follows:

A) Pre-Registration and receiving login credentials: Within 5 business days
After submitting your application, your details will be processed, and you will receive your university login credentials.

ب) تسجيل الخريجين وإدراجهم على موقع الجامعة: Within 10 business days
Your academic records will be entered into the university system, and your graduation details will be updated.
ج) إصدار الشهادة وإرسالها بالبريد: Within 15 business days
Your degree will be officially issued, printed, and shipped via a secure courier service (FedEx, DHL, UPS, or TNT).

Once your degree is shipped, you will receive a tracking code for monitoring the delivery.

8. هل من الممكن شراء شهادة حقيقية من جامعة معتمدة؟

إجابة: Yes, you can obtain a real, accredited, and verifiable degree from an authentic university through our official process.

University Accreditation: All degrees are issued by International Azad University (INTIAU), which is nationally and internationally accredited.
Legitimacy & Verification: The degrees are fully legal and verifiable through authorized verification agencies, including:

Certn (Canada, U.S., Australia, and Africa)
Quadrabay (Arab League countries)
Ecctis (UK NARIC) (United Kingdom)
NARIC (European Union)
QAHE, KPMG, cvcheck, DISA Global, and ToFindOut (International document verification)

Official University Credentials: You will receive a student login and alumni verification access to confirm your degree status directly with the university.
9. هل يمكنني أن أطلب ترجمة مستندات شهادتي الجامعية؟

إجابة: Yes, we offer official translations of your degree documents into multiple languages upon request.

Available Translations: We provide certified translations into Italian, French, Spanish, German, Arabic, and other languages, based on your application request.
Translation Standards:

1- All translations are official and certified.
2- Translations include the same security features and official details as the original degree.
3- The translated document will include a QR code for verification.

How to Request a Translation:

1- You must indicate your preferred language in the application form.
2- Translations can also be requested after the degree is issued.

10. ما هي ميزات الأمان لشهاداتك الجامعية؟

إجابة: Our university degrees include key security features to ensure authenticity and prevent unauthorized duplication. These include:

QR Code Verification – Each degree contains a unique QR code that allows instant verification through the university’s official website.
Hologram Security Seal – The document features a high-security hologram, ensuring its authenticity and preventing counterfeiting.
11. هل يمكنني تغيير البرنامج الذي اخترته بعد تقديم طلبي؟

إجابة: No, once your application has been submitted and processed, changes to the selected program are not possible.


1- After submission, your details are registered in the university system, and the degree issuance process begins.
2- Academic records, verification details, and processing are structured based on your initial selection, and modifications are not allowed once the process is initiated.

🔹 Recommendation:
We strongly advise applicants to carefully review and finalize their program selection before submitting their application to avoid any issues.

12. هل هناك رسوم إلغاء؟

إجابة: Yes, as per our شروط, a £500 GBP cancellation fee applies.

Why is there a cancellation fee?

1- Once an application is submitted, the process involves registration, document preparation, and administrative work, which incurs costs.
2- To prevent unnecessary cancellations, a non-refundable cancellation fee is in place.

🔹 Important Notice:
If the cancellation fee or any outstanding balance remains unpaid, we will:
1️⃣ Report the debt to international financial service providers and merchant systems.
2️⃣ Block access to future financial services, preventing approval for payment processing, financial transactions, and other services due to debtor status.

We strongly advise applicants to carefully review all details before submitting their application to avoid unnecessary cancellations and potential financial restrictions.

13. هل أنا مؤهل للتقدم للبرنامج؟

إجابة: Eligibility is determined on a case-by-case basis.

Application Requirements:

1- You must submit a complete application with all relevant documents.
2- A non-refundable application fee of £50 GBP is required for initial evaluation.
3- Your qualifications and experience will be assessed based on university criteria.

14. لماذا يجب أن أثق في ToHave كمؤسسة شرعية؟

إجابة: ToHave is an internationally recognized institution affiliated with International Azad University (INTIAU), ensuring that all degrees issued are genuine, accredited, and verifiable.

Official University Representation

1- We are a direct representative of انتايو, and our affiliation can be verified through the university.
2- Our degrees are issued through the official university system, not third-party providers.

Legally Verifiable Degrees

1- All degrees can be verified through the university’s website using a QR code.
2- Our credentials are recognized and authenticated by official verification agencies, including:

Certn (Canada, U.S., Australia, Africa)
Quadrabay (Arab League countries)
Ecctis (UK NARIC) (United Kingdom)
NARIC (European Union)
QAHE, KPMG, cvcheck, DISA Global, and ToFindOut (Global verification)

Compliance with International Standards

1- We operate in accordance with GDPR regulations, ensuring data privacy and confidentiality.
2- Our degrees are legally recognized for employment, further education, and immigration purposes.

نحن نقدم درجات البكالوريوس والماجستير والدكتوراه من جامعة (INTIAU) الدولية وفروع جامعة آزاد في المملكة المتحدة والإمارات العربية المتحدة.

How to Buy a Degree Online in 30 Days


جامعة آزاد فرع نجف آباد: مؤسسة رائدة في أصفهان-شراء شهادة جامعية أصيلة وحقيقية

شهادة درجة الماجستير: نظرة شاملة

Each Master’s degree certificate includes a corresponding educational file and a detailed transcript, obtained through a fully legal process. These degrees are verifiable on the university’s official international website and certified by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. Each certificate features a QR code for instant verification. Translations of both the certificate and transcript are available in multiple languages, and physical copies are securely dispatched to the applicant.


30 يوما


جامعة آزاد الإمارات العربية المتحدة: مركز للتميز التعليمي في دبي-اعترافات عالمية

تفاصيل شاملة عن شهادات درجة البكالوريوس

Each Bachelor’s degree certificate includes a corresponding educational file and a detailed transcript, obtained through a fully legal process. These degrees are verifiable on the university’s official international website and certified by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. Each certificate features a QR code for instant verification. Translations of both the certificate and transcript are available in multiple languages, and physical copies are securely dispatched to the applicant.


30 يوما


فرع طهران المركزي لجامعة آزاد: تمكين العلماء

شهادات درجة الدكتوراه: معلومات موسعة

Each PhD degree certificate includes a corresponding educational file and a detailed transcript, obtained through a fully legal process. These degrees are verifiable on the university’s official international website and certified by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. Each certificate features a QR code for instant verification. Translations of both the certificate and transcript are available in multiple languages, and physical copies are securely dispatched to the applicant.


30 يوما

Degree Verification – Proof of Authenticity

أخذه إلى المستوى التالي.

The documents contain a student ID number, approval details, graduation date, and course-based transcripts showing completed credits. Each document features a QR code linking to the university’s website for verification. Issued in English and Persian, they are translatable worldwide and recognized in the UAE, UK, USA, Canada, Australia, Schengen countries, the Arab League, and Africa. The Oxford branch remains the most popular issuing unit.

1- إقرأ الشروط

تعرف على كافة شروطنا والتزاماتنا وتعرف على كافة الخطوات والتفاصيل، وتعرف على تكاليف وصلاحية الشهادات التعليمية.

2- قم بالتسجيل

قم بالتسجيل بالضغط على زر التسجيل وسوف تدخل إلى اللوحة الشخصية الخاصة بك. ثم قم بتحميل المستندات الخاصة بك واطلب الدرجة التي تريدها مع المعدل التراكمي المطلوب وسنة التخرج.

3- الدفع المسبق

Deposit £50 and wait for payment confirmation in your user panel.

4 - احصل على شهادتك - دعم 24/7

بعد تأكيد الدفع سيتم التواصل معكم عبر الواتساب والبريد الإلكتروني وخلال 30 يوم سيتم إرسال المستندات لكم حسب الشروط وقانونيا من خلال الجامعة.

ToHave هو الممثل الرسمي لجامعة INTIAU الدولية

As the official representative of INTIAU International University, ToHave proudly offers comprehensive services in admissions, RPL applications, and tuition fee management for international students.

خدمات RPL في Tohave - قم بتسريع رحلتك الأكاديمية مع خدمات RPL من Tohave

At ToHave, we validate your knowledge through our RPL service, enabling you to obtain a university degree within 30 days. This process is 100% legal and significantly more affordable than applying directly through the university’s own program.

حول الخدمات

At INTIAU, we take pride in delivering exceptional educational services that cater to students worldwide. You can verify our services through the official INTIAU website. We offer a variety of programs designed to support your academic and professional growth.

Affordable RPL Services & Academic Admissions : Our Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL) services acknowledge your previous achievements and skills, allowing them to count towards your academic qualifications. This cost-effective process helps you obtain a degree legally and efficiently.

Workshops & Academic Programs : We handle applications for workshops and academic programs at INTIAU’s UK branch, providing valuable learning opportunities for international students.

Global Partnerships with Leading Organizations : We collaborate with top-tier organizations, including DISA Global, Quadrabay, KPMG, QAHE, Ecctis, cvcheck, Certn, ToFindOut, and NARIC. These partnerships ensure that our degrees are internationally recognized and accredited, giving you global credibility and acceptance.

القبول والتحقق في جميع أنحاء العالم

الدرجات العلمية المعتمدة دوليا:

The degrees hold official recognition and acceptance across Africa, Europe, the United Kingdom, Canada, the United States, Australia, the Arab League, and Asian countries.

أوراق اعتماد يمكن التحقق منها عالميًا:

Degrees obtained through our supervision are fully verifiable via the issuing university’s official system, ensuring global legitimacy, acceptance, and compliance with international academic standards.

فعالة وعلى الانترنت:

Our efficient application process enables you to obtain your degree within a month, completely hassle-free and without the need for class attendance.

شروط الدفع العادلة والشفافة:

We provide flexible payment options with no need for full upfront payment, ensuring convenience and affordability for our clients.

التحقق من أهليتك:

We prepare and submit all required documents to the university, proving your eligibility for a degree and ensuring 100% guaranteed approval.

سهولة التحقق من الدرجة:

Each degree includes a QR code that directly links to the university’s verification system, confirming its authenticity and validity with complete reliability.

Building a successful career often requires a recognized degree, but spending years in school isn’t an option for everyone. Now, you can buy a degree online legally without attending classes. The Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL) system allows you to obtain a Bachelor’s, Master’s, or Ph.D. based on your skills and professional experience.

لماذا تختار الحصول على درجة علمية عبر الإنترنت؟

  • Earn an officially accredited degree with no coursework or exams.
  • Use QR code and email verification to confirm authenticity.
  • Receive your degree within 30 days.
  • Secure a qualification recognized in the UK, US, Canada, Australia, and Europe.

Simple & Secure Process

  1. Select your degree and field of study.
  2. Complete the application form with your details.
  3. Make a secure payment via Visa or Mastercard.
  4. Receive your university credentials to track your status.
  5. Obtain your fully verifiable degree.

🎓 Your career transformation begins today! Buy a degree online and open new doors to success.

أ Bachelor’s degree helps professionals advance in their careers, but traditional education takes years to complete. With the Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL) system, you can now buy a Bachelor’s degree online legally without attending classes. This process evaluates your skills and experience, allowing you to earn an officially recognized degree in just 30 يوما.

Why Buy a Bachelor’s Degree Online?

  • Earn a fully accredited degree with no coursework or exams.
  • Confirm authenticity with QR code and email verification.
  • Secure better job opportunities with a recognized qualification.
  • Get a degree accepted in the UK, US, Canada, Australia, and Europe.

How to Get Your Bachelor’s Degree Online

  1. Submit your application form with your details.
  2. Select your degree program based on your field of expertise.
  3. Upload identification documents for verification.
  4. Make a secure online payment via Visa or Mastercard.
  5. Receive your official degree within 30 يوما.

🎓 No need to spend years in school! Buy a Bachelor’s degree online today and take the next step in your career.

أ Master’s degree can unlock leadership opportunities and career advancement, but many professionals don’t have the time to attend traditional programs. With the Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL) system, you can now buy a Master’s degree online legally, using your experience and expertise instead of coursework.

Why Buy a Master’s Degree Online?

  • Earn an officially accredited Master’s degree without attending classes.
  • Get full QR code and email verification from the university.
  • Use your degree in the UK, US, Canada, Australia, and Europe.
  • Complete the process in just 30 days.

How to Get a Master’s Degree Online

  1. Select your degree field based on your expertise.
  2. Provide personal and professional details in the application.
  3. Upload identification documents for verification.
  4. Make a secure payment using Visa or Mastercard.
  5. Receive your official degree with full verification.

🎓 A Master’s degree opens doors to leadership roles. Buy a Master’s degree online today and advance your career faster!

أ دكتوراه enhances credibility, authority, and career opportunities, but traditional doctorate programs require years of research and coursework. Through the Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL) system, professionals can now buy a Ph.D. online legally, using their knowledge and expertise instead of academic study.

Who Can Get an RPL Ph.D.?

  • Experienced professionals in specialized fields.
  • Industry experts seeking formal academic recognition.
  • Individuals without prior academic degrees but with extensive experience.
  • Professionals aiming for career advancement or academic credentials.

How to Buy a Ph.D. Online

  1. Select your Ph.D. field based on your expertise.
  2. Submit your personal and professional details in the application.
  3. Upload identification documents for verification.
  4. Make a secure payment using Visa or Mastercard.
  5. Receive your fully verifiable doctorate with QR code and university confirmation.

🎓 A Ph.D. increases career prospects and professional credibility. Buy a Ph.D. online today and secure your academic success!

Many professionals seek to buy a degree online, but verification remains a key concern. ToHave ensures that every degree is fully legal and verifiable, offering complete authentication through official channels.

How to Verify Your Degree

  • Scan the QR code to access university records instantly.
  • Use university email verification to confirm authenticity with employers.
  • Check recognition through global accreditation agencies such as Certn, Quadrabay, NARIC, and Ecctis.

Who Recognizes These Degrees?

درجات من امتلاك are accepted and recognized in:

  • The UK, US, Canada, Australia, and Europe
  • The Arab League and Asia
  • Universities, employers, and government institutions worldwide

🎓 Authenticity matters when buying a degree online. Secure your fully verified degree today!

كن متحمسًا للتحرك

خدمات التوثيق والترجمة الشخصية:


أكمل الخطوات:

بعد قراءة الشروط وتحديد المجال الأكاديمي والمستوى المطلوب، انقر فوق 'اشتراكزر على موقع وقم بتقديم طلبك.



You only need to upload a photo and an image of your ID card or passport. Our team handles everything else, ensuring all required documents are prepared to validate your eligibility seamlessly.


الترجمات الرسمية:

We offer official translations of degrees in any language you choose, including a QR code for quick and secure verification.

عملائنا السعداء

اكتشف قصص النجاح الملهمة والتعليقات الصادقة من عملائنا الراضين.
تتحدث تجاربهم كثيرًا عن تأثير وموثوقية خدماتنا في ToHave.

أمينة نكيشي

أفريقي - نيجيري

“My experience with has been truly life-changing. With my newly acquired Bachelor’s degree, I successfully advanced my education in the UK. Since the degree comes from an internationally recognized university, my visa application process was smooth and hassle-free. Thanks to, I am now closer than ever to achieving my dreams!”

احمد الخالدي

الشرق الأوسط - الإمارات العربية المتحدة

“I am incredibly grateful for the outstanding service from The process was simple, efficient, and truly life-changing. With the degree I obtained, I secured Certn verification, which played a key role in my successful migration to Canada. This service has opened new and exciting opportunities, making my future brighter than ever!”

هانز مولر

أوروبية - ألمانية

“Thanks to, I finally secured the job I’ve dreamed of for years. Not having a formal degree had been a major obstacle in my career, but now, I am respected and even addressed as ‘Doctor’ in my workplace. Seeing all my official documents updated with my new academic title is an incredible feeling. This service has truly elevated my professional status and transformed my career!”

إميلي جونسون

أمريكي - مواطن أمريكي

“I am truly amazed by the exceptional service from The affordability and quality far exceeded my expectations—it almost felt too good to be true! With the degree I obtained, I successfully established a fully-equipped beauty institute in the U.S.. This degree not only helped me secure all the necessary operating licenses but also boosted my credibility in the industry. played a crucial role in turning my entrepreneurial dreams into reality!”

راجيش باتيل

آسيوي - هندي

“I was initially skeptical about, but their affordable pricing and outstanding service quality completely exceeded my expectations. It’s hard to believe how smoothly everything went. With the degree I obtained, I successfully secured a license for my manufacturing company, opening doors I never thought possible. This degree has transformed my career, taking me from ground to sky. The impact of on my professional journey has been truly remarkable and life-changing.”

جون سميث

الأوروبية - البريطانية

“I can’t express enough gratitude to Their impeccable service made the entire process seamless, and the degree I obtained has been invaluable. With it, I effortlessly enrolled in a Master’s program in the UK, as the university recognized my qualification from a renowned international institution. This also made my visa application process smooth and successful. This degree has completely transformed my academic and professional future, unlocking opportunities I never imagined possible.”

التسجيل للحصول على درجة أكاديمية مع الاستفسارات وكشف الدرجات ورقم طالب صالح والتسجيل الدولي مع رمز الاستجابة السريعة مع الترجمة والموافقة من وزارة الخارجية

إشعار هام بشأن سياسة الاتصال

الى جميع الزوار

لقد طبقنا سياسة جديدة فيما يتعلق بالتواصل والاستفسارات للأفراد غير المسجلين. اعتبارًا من الآن، تقتصر محادثات الدردشة وجلسات الأسئلة والأجوبة على أولئك الذين أكملوا عملية التسجيل فقط.

نقاط هامة:

  1. اقرأ الشروط: يجب على جميع المتقدمين المحتملين قراءة الشروط والأحكام بعناية شروط تحتوي هذه الصفحة على معلومات تفصيلية حول عملية التسجيل والمتطلبات.
  2. متطلبات التسجيل: يجب على الأفراد الذين يوافقون على الشروط والأحكام الموضحة في صفحة الشروط فقط المضي قدمًا في التسجيل.
  3. الإبلاغ عن المشكلات عبر البريد الإلكتروني: إذا واجهتك أي مشكلات أثناء عملية التسجيل، يرجى إبلاغنا بذلك عبر البريد الإلكتروني. وسيساعدك فريقنا في حل أي مشكلات قد تواجهها أثناء عملية التسجيل أو إذا كنت بحاجة إلى تعديل تفاصيل التسجيل الخاصة بك.
  4. لا توجد ردود لغير الأعضاء: نظرًا لارتفاع عدد الاستفسارات غير المرغوب فيها، فلن نرد بعد الآن على المكالمات الهاتفية أو رسائل البريد الإلكتروني من الأفراد الذين لم يكملوا تسجيلهم. وتضمن هذه السياسة تخصيص مواردنا لمساعدة أعضائنا المسجلين بكفاءة.
  5. التواصل عبر البريد الإلكتروني فقط: يتم التواصل مع ToHave عبر البريد الإلكتروني فقط. وسنقدم لك تعليمات إضافية إذا لزم الأمر، بناءً على حالتك المسجلة واحتياجاتك المحددة.